The Problem: RNA-Seq
RNA-seq: sequencing the mRNA within a cell at a given point in time.
mRNA is not transcribed from a single contiguous section in DNA.
How do you accurately identify splice sites?
High-throughput sequencing also makes it challenging to detect & characterise splice sites.
Two key tasks:
Accurate alignment
Mapping sequences from non-contiguous regions
There is an intermediate step before DNA gets transcribed into mRNA.
Transcription generates pre-mRNA, the exons within the pre-mRNA are then spliced, removing the introns.
# RNA-seq
Sequencing the mRNA.
Note: What does it produce? Picture of reads?
Accurate alignment - containing mismatches, insertions and deletions.
Current Algorithmic Solutions
Extended DNA mapping solutions.
Offer compromises in either accuracy or resources required .
Computational component becoming bottleneck.
Mostly designed for short reads (≤ 200 bases).
Not great for "Third Generation Sequencing" (potentially full length reads).
What is STAR?
A tool specifically designed to align non-contiguous sequences to a reference genome.
"Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference" (STAR)
It stands for ...
It's specifically designed...
Computational bottleneck - too slow or run out of RAM.
The STAR algorithm consists of 2 main steps:
Seed Search
Clustering, stitching & scoring
2 main steps to STAR; seed and cluster/stitch/score.
I'll go through each stage and explain what's involved.
Seed Search Algorithm
Searching for seeds involves a sequential search for the Maximum Mappable Prefix ($MMP$).
The $MMP$ is calculated as follows:
Given a read sequence $R$, read location $i$ and a reference genome sequence $G$, the $MMP(R,i,G)$ is defined as the longest substring $(R_i,R_{i+1},\dots,R_{i+MML-1})$ that matches exactly one or more substrings of $G$, where $MML$ is the Maximum Mappable Length.
The main idea behind the seed search phase of STAR is to sequentially search through looking for the Maximum Mappable Prefix.
[read the algo]
That didn't make a whole lot of sense to me straight away so I'll demonstrate this with a diagram...
Seed Search Example
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The search is implemented using a suffix array for the reference genome; the read sequence is then threaded through.
## Basic Idea
- Once the MMP is found, this is a splice location, rerun this on the remainder of the read sequence that is not mapped [show diagram].
- Search is performed forwards and backwards on the read, and also can be started from a user defined position to facilitate finding anchors with errors at the ends.
## Figure
- This approach can also help finding mismatches/indels. Run a sequence, if it doesn't reach the end, expand the "anchor" allowing for mismatches (what about indels?).
- Poor alignment from this procedure can help identify sequence traits such as poly-A tails (+AAAAAAA), library adapters (???) or just poor sequencing.
## SA
- The uncompressed SA offer a speed advantage with a trade off for space. Which we'll come to in the results section.
- Build a suffix array of the reference genome and thread the read sequence through the array for a given read position.
Clustering, Stitching and Scoring
Cluster seeds around a selected anchor seed.
Anchor seeds are selected by minimising the number of genomic mappings.
Seeds are then stitched together using a local-linear transcription model.
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STAR next builds the entire read sequence...
Clustering the seeds found in the first stage by proximity to a selected number of anchor seeds.
Anchors are selected from the seeds that have the minimum number of genomic mappings. This prioritises seeds that are not as "multi-mapped".
The seeds that map within a user-defined genomic window are stitched together using the...
local-linear transcription model (genomic ordering of local seeds maintained, with no overlaps).
Seeds are stitched
Clustering, Stitching and Scoring cont.
Stitching is guide by a local alignment score.
$S = +\sum_{m}P_m - \sum_{mm}P_{mm} - \sum_{ins}P_{ins} - \sum_{del}P_{del} - \sum_{gap}P_{gap}$
$P_{ins/del} = P_{ins/del}^{open} + P_{ins/del}^{extend} . L_{ins/del}$
If one genomic window is not enough to map the entire read sequence, another anchor is chosen and clustering applied again.
This results in a chimeric read; where the mRNA is spliced from 2 distal parts of the genome.
If one window is not enough to cover the read sequence, then the alignment is expanded to include another window - resulting in a chimeric read. A join of 2 separate exons from potentially different parts of the genome (diff. chromosome?), joining to form at RNA.
The stitching is guided by a local alignment scoring scheme that includes user-defined scores for mis/matches and indels.
It uses 'Affine Gap' for short insertions and deletions. User defined minimum, otherwise a splice.
The paper compared STAR 2.1.3 results with 4 other popular RNA-seq mappers:
TopHat 2.0.0
GSNAP 2012-07-03
RUM 1.11
All the testing was completed and compared with 4 other RNA-seq mappers.
Performance on Simulated Data
Simulated data allows for accurate expected results.
All aligners were run in de novo mode with default parameters .
ROC curves plot true positive vs. false positive.
Varying $N$, the number of reads required across a splice junction for it to be recognised as a splice, from 1 to 100.
All ROC curves exhibit desirable results.
Initially, they used simulated data to accurately benchmark all the mappers; they know exactly what mapping to expect.
Data included: genomic variations and sequencing errors.
__de novo__
- from the beginning - without any knowledge of the genome/transcript. -- String comparison.
__default parameters__
- commonly accepted practice, since all aligners should have been optimised for mammalian genomes and RNA-seq data.
### ROC curve:
- Plots the true positive (a classification hit), vs. a false positive (a misclassification, or false alarm).
- Varies with a detection/discrimination threshold.
- In this case, the plot is varying the number of reads required across a splice junction for it to be recognised as a splice, from 1 to 100. HOW MUCH EVIDENCE REQUIRED FOR A SPLICE.
"All aligners exhibit desirable steep ROC curves at high values of detection threshold."
"At the lowest detection threshold of 1 read per junction, STAR exhibits the lowest false-positive rate while achieving high sensitivity."
Performance on Experimental Data
All mappers were run on an ENCODE (Encyclopaedia of DNA Elements) long RNA-seq dataset.
Percentage of reads aligned:
STAR - 94%
GSNAP - 94%
RUM - 86%
MapSplice - 85%
TopHat2 - 71%
Performance on Experimental Data cont.
To measure accuracy, the plots included a pseudo-ROC.
It plotted the follow against each other:
the number of junctions detected by at least two mappers (pseudo-true positive)
the number of junctions detected exclusively by each mapper (pseudo-false positive)
The Idea:
If another mapper detected the junction, then it's probably correct.
If no other mapper detected a junction, then it's probably wrong.
Performance on Experimental Data cont.
### e
percentage of detected unannotated junctions that are detected exclusively by only one mapper.
### f
pseudo-ROC curve: percentage of unannotated junctions that are detected by at least two mappers versus percentage of detected unannotated junctions that are detected exclusively by only one mapper.
### Potential Problems
assumption that junctions detected by only one aligner are more likely to be false positive than the junctions detected by two or more aligners - these definitions are not rigorous because the true/false assessments cannot be made for experimental data
Speed Comparison
All mappers were run with default parameters on the ~40 million 2 x 76 Illumina human RNA-seq dataset.
Close to linear scaling of the throughput rate with the number of threads.
STAR with 12 threads ~= 45 million reads per thread per hour.
RAM usage more than most, ~27GB RAM for human genome.
STAR has a sparse options to reduce RAM usage, for less speed.
## Setup
- Tests completed on a "two 6-core Intel Xeon CPUs X5680@ 3.33GHz and 148GB of RAM"
- Mappers ran with default parameters again on the same experimental dataset as before.
## Observations:
- Close to linear scaling of STAR; losing ~10% off per thread mapping speed.
- Pretty impressive; so even 1 thread outperforms next closest mapper.
- ~27GB RAM for human genome. Still within a reasonable level.
- Sparse decreases speed by ~25% within sacrificing accuracy.
Experimental Validation
STAR was validated on data as part of the ENCODE and compared against BLAT (a popular mRNA aligner).
Similar or higher accuracy to BLAT.
2 x faster than BLAT, important for high-throughput sequencing.